söndag 10 mars 2013

Day 33

After a day with alot of panic we drove on with hopefully thoughts to Olympic National Park. All of us were very scared after the incident yesterday.

Our trip to Olympic went well. Martin had a period when he whined all he time because he wanted to poop but we couldn´t stop because there were no place to stop. Before we started to drive we made some sandwiches so we had food if we would be hungry. When we arrived to the motel we checked in and packed up our clothes.
Everythin were almost done on our room and when we were suppost to a way in town we saw the police again. We ran up to our room again and started to think what we should do. We talked to eachother and talked about our situation.   

We stayed on our room the rest of the day because we didn´t want to risk that the police should take us.

I hope we can made this!
Byebye our readers...   

Day 32

It’s the second day here in Olympia and we are very tired. Me and Martin wanted to stay at the motel by the pool but Linn and Ida wanted us to come with them to see the city but we refused. Me and Martin went to the pool and after an hour or two we dicided to call Linn and say that we was on our way to meet them.

We met them outside a little coffee shop, I took an ice-latte while Martin, Ida and Linn took a frapino. The coffee shop wasn’t very big and that was the only one in America so they didn’t have a website.

After that we went to see if we could find a mall or something like that. We found one but it wasn’t big at all. The only shops that contained was H&M, Zara, Topshop, Calvin Klein and Foot locker. The shops were really big so that was why there wasn’t any other shops. When we were done with the shopping we went to find a little market. We went to the fridge to get something to drink and when we turned around the boss of the market stared at us. We all looked at eachother and then from nowhere the boss started to scream “They are the ones how are wanted in the whole America!”. Martin said quite to us that the news was on the TV and that they showed pictures of us. We all looked at eachother than after a few second we sat in our car and drove away. Linn and Martin panic but me and Ida scream at them to be quite and calm down. Then I nooticed that we didn’t pay for our water and then all just started to laugh. We drove back to our motel and stayed inside for the rest of the day.

Xoxo, Cassandra

Day 31

Now we are at Olympia Washington. We have very nive weather and it’s very hot here. 

We are now closer to our end of this road trips, which is very sad.. I have had so much fun and i have learned a lot about the country Amerika.

Tody we were out in the sity when we found a samll cafe just next to the road named “Caffe Vita”( www.caffevita.com ). We were curious to see what this litle café had to offer, so we ordered one drink each.

Martin and Cassandra ordered “Coffee Del Sol”, while I and Linn bought a cup of tea each because none of us drink coffee.

I ordered “Rishih Organic Peppermint tee”, and Linn Orderad “Rish Organic Earl Grey”. We bought our drinks and went home and drank it at out home. It tased awful!! No wonder why people don’t buy organic products when it taste crap! Organic tea in Sweden is not so good, but I think this tea taste worse.

Since we are wanted, we must be very careful about where we are, and were we are showing us.

Yesterday Martin and Cassandra went in to a store and bought wigs to hide our face to show who we really are. I have now short, red hair, Linn has long black hair and Cassandra got blond shoulder lenght hair. Martin cut all his hair off.  ( http://www.topix.com/yp/olympia-wa/l-108274503-continental-hair-replacement-c )

We look crazy.. Anyway, rest of the day we spent at our motel. We have begun to understand that we can’t be out in public as much as we could before. It seems that the police start coming closer to us ..

Today I cooked food for my friends. I made Swedish meat sauce with spaghetti. It was really good! I miss our Swedish food. It's nice that our road trip is about to end so we can get home and return to our normal lives.

After dinner, we helped to wash and clean.
The atmosphere between us is getting gloomy and difficult. I think it's because we are wanted by the police and we can no longer do what we want to do.
We go to sleep early tonight.

Goodnight blog readers!

torsdag 7 mars 2013

Day 30

Today was our last day in Cannon Beach but since we know are wanted a cross the country we couldn’t do to many things. We decided to drive to Olympia but our car didn’t start. Without telling anyone else I walked away with a mission an impossible mission to steal a car. I walked down the street and saw an old man getting out of his car. He left the drivers door opened so I sneaked up to the car and hot wired it and drowe away. I was smart enough to realize that the plates on the car was going to be recognized so i stole some plates as well.

When I came back to our motel the girls hade already packed our pink car and thought that I had been arested. Ida started to yell at me for stoling the car but then I reminded her about killing a woman. Well we drove away towards Olympia but on the border between the two states the police had sat up an controll.

We all paniced and didn’t know what to do. We drove up to the officer and was prepered for the whorst. But when the officer walked up to Idas window he got a call so he had to drive away so this time we did okey.

It was a quiet drive to olympia but when we came in to town Linn said that we can’t do this any longer. We can’t run forever. We all agreed with her.

We took in to a motel just out of town and decided to stay here fo some days.

Please don’t tell the police were we are staying!!!!!