söndag 10 mars 2013

Day 32

It’s the second day here in Olympia and we are very tired. Me and Martin wanted to stay at the motel by the pool but Linn and Ida wanted us to come with them to see the city but we refused. Me and Martin went to the pool and after an hour or two we dicided to call Linn and say that we was on our way to meet them.

We met them outside a little coffee shop, I took an ice-latte while Martin, Ida and Linn took a frapino. The coffee shop wasn’t very big and that was the only one in America so they didn’t have a website.

After that we went to see if we could find a mall or something like that. We found one but it wasn’t big at all. The only shops that contained was H&M, Zara, Topshop, Calvin Klein and Foot locker. The shops were really big so that was why there wasn’t any other shops. When we were done with the shopping we went to find a little market. We went to the fridge to get something to drink and when we turned around the boss of the market stared at us. We all looked at eachother and then from nowhere the boss started to scream “They are the ones how are wanted in the whole America!”. Martin said quite to us that the news was on the TV and that they showed pictures of us. We all looked at eachother than after a few second we sat in our car and drove away. Linn and Martin panic but me and Ida scream at them to be quite and calm down. Then I nooticed that we didn’t pay for our water and then all just started to laugh. We drove back to our motel and stayed inside for the rest of the day.

Xoxo, Cassandra

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